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Custom Mapping Tools and Products

Focus Project

Project Title: National Forest Certification Web Map

Client: Forest Products Association of Canada


Spatialworks developed and maintains mapping content for an interactive, web-based mapping system of forest certification across Canada:


Users can navigate through national-, provincial-, and tenure-level maps and tabular data of forest certification standards achieved across Canada (SFI, CSA, FSC). Spatialworks provides a complete update annually (since 2009) in association with FPAC and the certification bodies.


Focus Project

Project Title: The Circles on Roads Tool (CORT)

Client: ECCC, Canadian Wildlife Service - ON


Efficient Avian survey design, particularly in areas of low road density such as Ontario’s Boreal Region, require maximum use of road-based surveys, but also efficient means of identifying priority near-road and interior survey sites.

In conjunction with CWS-ON, Spatialworks developed CORT - an ArcGIS-based package to design and produce non-overlapping road-based surveys and evaluating the various costs and benefits (e.g. time, financial, information) of proposed and existing road-based surveys relative to off-road alternatives. CORT is used to help evaluate new bird survey designs currently being considered by CWS-ON.  Habitats immediately adjacent to roads tend to differ from those further away from the road edge, often with consequences for the breeding bird community. Identification and mapping of adjacent (‘near-road’) and interior candidate survey sites is needed to evaluate the relative benefits of various off road survey efforts.


Other Example Projects

  • Designed and coordinated development of the Biomass Spatial Analysis Tool (BSAT), an ArcGIS-based package to spatially assess potential available biomass for bio-fuel production from forest harvest operations for OMNRF. BSAT provides strategic-level spatial information based on existing or planned harvest, forest inventory.


  • Designed and coordinated development of the Conservation Lands Query Tool (CLQT) to query, analyze and map area subject to forest policy and guideline restrictions to quantify conservation lands in the managed forest of Canada. This package was used by all member companies of the Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC).


  • Developed a series of watershed and caribou range maps outlining existing and proposed protected areas, first nations communities and various sources of disturbance including roads, forest harvest, mining for Wildlands League.

  • Designed and coordinated development of the Volume Impact Tool (VIT), a GIS-based package to assess the spatial impact of area subject to forest policy and guideline restrictions on timber volume. This tool was developed for the Ontario Forest Industries Association (OFIA) and its member companies.


  • Produced a series of maps for the McGuffins to illustrate their work locating Group of Seven painting sites in the Algoma Region.

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